
The other section covers three things:

  • Cache
  • Reminders
  • Email Templates

Clearing the Cache

Janeway uses a cache to speed up page loading, you can reset the cache from the Manager page by clicking the Clear Cache button.

Scheduled Reminders

Janeway lets you define your own email reminders for overdue Reviews and Revision assignments. They are defined using the following:

  • Type
    • Review or Revision reminder.
  • Run Type
    • Whether to run before or after the request is due.
  • Days
    • The number of days before or after the request is due this reminder should be sent.
  • Template Name
    • The name of the template that should be used when sending the reminder. If this template does no exist you will be asked to create it.
  • Subject
    • The email subject to send with the reminder.

A reminder email has access to two objects in the template:

  • object - either a reviewassignment or revision object
  • journal - the journal sending the reminder

You can use these objects to add context to the email. eg. {{ object.article.title }} and {{ object.reviewer.fullname }}

Email Templates

The email templates system allows you to search through and edit all of the email templates for a given journal. It is recommended you only make limited changes as these templates include placeholders for information extracted from the database.