Installation Guide

There are a number of ways to get Janeway up and running. For development we recommend you use Docker with Postgres as the DB_VENDOR. A Lando configuration is also included.

Running Janeway with Docker and docker-compose

  1. Install docker, docker-compose and GNU Make.
  2. From the /path/to/janeway directory run make install.
  3. A docker environment will be provisioned, and shortly after the janeway isntall script will run. Follow the instructions on screen to complete the installation.
  4. Once install is complete run make run to run the django development server against a Postgres backend.
  5. For Janeway browse http://localhost:8000/.
  6. If using Postgres (e you can also browse http://localhost:8001 for pgadmin. The default root password is janeway-web

The Makefile provides a number of other targets for common tasks during development.

  • make db-client: Will open a database shell that matches your configured DB_VENDOR. (e.g. running make db-client with the default options will run an interactive psql instance from the postgres container)
  • make command allows you to run django management commands using the CMD variable (e.g make command CMD=migrate journal would be equivalent to running python3 src/ migrate journal in a native install)
  • make check will run Janeway’s test suite with some predetermined configuration options to improve performance:
    • It runs against a sqlite backend
    • database migrations are skipped
  • If you want to run the test suite against the database server then run it as a django management command with make command CMD=test
  • make attach: Attach to the running Janeway container and run an interactive shell (a Janeway development server must be running with make run for this to work)
  • make shell: Start a janeway container and run an interactive shell. (It will bind port 8000 on your host so you cannot run this if a janeway server is running, in that case use make attach instead)
  • make rebuild: Rebuilds the Janeway docker container. It should only be used when you make changes to the dependencies that need to be installed (e.g adding add new library to requirements.txt)
  • make db-save-backup: Save a backup of the database container. The command will return the name of the file in which the backup is stored. The backup is created by compressing the entire database container volume.
  • make db-load-backup BACKUP=<backup file>: Load a previously generated backup. You must set the BACKUP variable to the filename returned by a previous run of make db-save-backup

The Makefile can be configured with a number of variables to change the way in which your development environment is run.

  • If you want to run janeway against a different database vendor, you can use the DB_VENDOR variable. The following values are supported: postgres (default), mysql or sqlite
    • e.g. if you want to install the development environment for Janeway using a mysql container, you can run make install DB_VENDOR=mysql for the installation and make run DB_VENDOR=mysql to spin up the mysql container alongside the Janeway development server.
  • By default, the database backend will come with a database named janeway. If you want to Janeway against a different database (e.g.: you have multiple local databases) you can set the DB_NAME variable (e.g.: make install DB_NAME="janeway_staging" or make run DB_NAME=janeway_production
  • The JANEWAY_PORT variable allows you to change the port to which the Janeway development server will be bound to on your host (set this if port 8000 is already in use by another service on your host)

If you want to install custom python libraries for development, you can drop them into the dev_requirements.txt file and run make rebuild. Rebuilding the container takes some time, so it is also possible to install python libraries in development mode. When installed in this manner, the library is mounted as a volume into the janeway container when you first run make rebuild and you will be able to make changes to the library without having to run make rebuild. In order to install a library in development mode, copy the code to /path/to/janeway/lib/ and run make rebuild once.

Using Lando for a development environment (optional)

Lando can be used to construct and manage a local a development environment. Here are the steps required to get Janeway running on your local machine, using Lando:


Lando comes bundled with Docker Desktop for MacOS, if you already have Docker Desktop installed on your Mac, don’t re-install it. You should instead ensure you have the same (or newer) version as what is bundled with Lando.

  1. Make sure Lando is installed
  2. Optionally, copy dockerfiles/lando_local.env.example to dockerfiles/lando_local.env and customize as appropriate (the database configuration is done with environment variables, so pay attention to dockerfiles/lando_local.env if it’s important to you)
  3. lando poweroff (defensively ensure no other Lando environments are running, probably not necessary, but a good habit)
  4. lando rebuild
  5. When you see the big “Boomshakala” message from Lando, you’re ready to proceed
  6. lando manage check will confirm the installation is working, and notify you of any misconfigurations
  7. Revise your src/core/ file as directed in the Database Setup and Final Installation instructions below
  8. lando logs -f will show you the log output from Janeway, though when you’re getting started, lando manage check will help you find configuration errors much faster than sifting through log file output
  9. lando manage <command> will send commands to the src/core/ script, run lando manage -h to see more info
  10. lando manage install_janeway will continue your installation of Janeway
  11. lando manage test will run the Janeway unit test suite
  12. lando python <command> will send Python commands to the appserver
  13. Browse to http://localhost:8000 to see the site in action
  14. run lando to see what other Lando tooling commands are available.

Lando Tooling

  • lando psql Drops into the PostgreSQL client running on the database service
  • lando db-import <file> Imports a dump file into the database service
  • lando ssh Drops into a shell on the application service, runs commands
  • lando start Starts the Janeway app
  • lando stop Stops the Janeway app
  • lando rebuild Rebuilds the Janeway app
  • lando restart Starts and stops the Janeway app, useful for forcing the app to use new configurations
  • lando destroy Removes all traces of the Janeway dev environment’s containers, useful if you need to ensure a fresh start

More Lando tooling can be added, if you need it.

Native Install

The following is for Debian/Ubuntu-based systems (16.04).

  1. Install python3, pip3 & virtualevwrapper and create a project
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python-pip virtualenvwrapper
source /etc/bash_completion.d/virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv janeway -p /usr/bin/python3
  1. Install system dependencies.

On Ubuntu systems: sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python3-dev zlib1g-dev lib32z1-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev libjpeg-dev libmysqlclient-dev

On Debian systems: sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python3-dev zlib1g-dev lib32z1-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev libjpeg-dev

  1. Clone the janeway repo to your local machine: git clone

  2. From the project root directory run the following to install python dependencies:

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

You should now proceed to “Database Setup and Final Installation”, below.

Database Setup and Final Installation

  1. Copy the example settings file: cp src/core/ src/core/

  2. Update for your env (database login etc.) and setup your database. This must support utf8_mb4. For MySQL installs, use the following CREATE command:

    CREATE DATABASE janeway CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci;

  3. From inside the src directory, switch to the virtual environment:

    workon janeway

  4. Run the installer

    python3 install_janeway

and follow the on screen instructions.

> Please answer the following questions.

> Press name: Test Press

> Press domain:

> Press main contact (email):

> Thanks! We will now set up our first journal.

> Journal #1 code: tstj

> Journal #1 domain:

If you are installing Janeway on a live server rather than on your local development environment its at this point you’ll need to look at a webserver, Django is supported by Apache via mod_wsgi and with NGINX through a variety of tools. We have an [[Apache and mod_wsgi (Server Install)|Janeway,-Apache-and-WSGI]] guide.

  1. Once the command line installer is complete you can complete the setup process by directing your browser to:

Single Sign On

Janeway supports single sign on from two sources: Open ID Connect (OIDC) and ORCiD.