Import, Export, Update

The Import / Export / Update tool lets perform batch actions in Janeway. You can import and export article metadata and files, and you can update some fields of existing articles.


With this tool, you can create new articles in Janeway and load them directly into the desired workflow stage (peer review, copyediting, typesetting, or prepublication).

(Worth noting: If your content is going straight to publication without any further production work, ask your Janeway contact for help using the old Import Plugin, since it’s still better for backlist imports. We eventually plan to merge these two import tools.)

  1. Download a copy of the metadata template and open it up to edit it. You can use most spreadsheet applications, but make sure you will be able to save it as a CSV with UTF-8 character encoding. [1]
  2. Enter the metadata, one article per row. See the Metadata Field Reference and the sample import for pointers. For multi-author articles, insert a new row for each author, and only fill in the author fields on extra rows.
  3. Save it as a CSV named article_data.csv with UTF-8 character encoding.
  4. Compress the CSV (alongside any associated files–advanced users only) as a zip file. Here’s how to do that on Windows and on a Mac. The zip file name can be whatever you want.
  5. From the journal’s dashboard, navigate to All Articles under Staff in the lower left. You need to have ‘staff’ access to view this page.
  6. Select Upload Update and upload your zip file. (It says ‘update’, but this is how you import new things too.)
  7. A table should load in your browser showing you the data you uploaded, before you import it. If everything looks good, select Import.


You can export a CSV containing metadata for all the articles currently in a given workflow stage. It will also download selected files from that stage.

  1. From the journal’s dashboard, navigate to All Articles under Staff in the lower left. You need to have ‘staff’ access to view this page.
  2. Use the Filter by Stage drop-down menu to choose a set of articles you want to export.
  3. If you want to download associated files, use the Files column to add files for each article.
  4. Select Export Articles. A zip file should be downloaded containing the metadata in article_data.csv and the article files in subfolders numbered by article ID.


You can update metadata for batches of articles in Janeway, so you don’t have to click through each individual article to make the change.

  1. To update one field, you have to provide data for all the fields, or at least most of them. So we recommend you first export the set of articles you want to update. See Exporting.
  2. Extract the zip file you exported and open the CSV in your spreadsheet software of choice (but be careful with character encoding).
  3. Edit the metadata as desired. You an rearrange the columns but the column names have to stay exactly the same. See the sample update, which shows how changes can be made to the data in sample import. See also the Metadata Field Reference for details on each field.
  4. Compress the CSV (alongside any associated files–advanced users only) as a zip file. Here’s how to do that on Windows and on a Mac. The zip file name can be whatever you want.
  5. On the All Articles page, select Upload Update and upload your zip file.
  6. A table should load in your browser showing you the data you uploaded, before you import it. If everything looks good, select Import.

Metadata Field Reference

The table below shows you what actions (i.e. import, export, update) you can perform with each field (yes/no). For example, you can’t import article IDs, because Janeway assigns them for you to make sure they’re unique. But you can (must) use article IDs during the update process, so Janeway can recognize the articles.

Much the same, while you can put something in Stage to send the content to the right part of Janeway on initial import, you can’t subsequently update the workflow stage for articles already in the system, because it might break editor or author tasks in progress.

The table also shows which fields you have to provide during imports and updates, regardless of whether you are changing those fields. For example, when you’re importing new articles, you have to provide article titles. You also have to provide article titles when you are updating articles, even if you’re not updating the titles but something else, like the keywords.

Field Notes Import Export Update
Article title include subtitle [2] yes, required yes yes, required
Keywords separate keywords with commas yes, optional yes yes, optional, saves empty values
License name of license [3] yes, optional yes yes, optional, saves empty values
Language plain name of language [4] yes, optional yes yes, optional, saves empty values
Author Salutation useful in templated emails yes, optional yes no, ignored
Author surname a.k.a. last name yes, required yes yes, optional, saves empty values [5]
Author given name a.k.a. first name yes, optional yes yes, optional, saves empty values
Author email recommended [6] yes, optional yes complicated! [7]
Author institution should not include department yes, optional yes yes, optional, saves empty values
Author is primary (Y/N) Y or N [8] yes, required yes yes, required
Author ORCID starting with ‘https’ or the number yes, optional yes yes, optional, saves empty values [9]
Article ID controlled by Janeway no, will break yes yes, required
DOI starting with ‘10’ yes, optional yes yes, optional, ignores empty values
DOI (URL form) starting with ‘https’ no, ignored yes no, ignored
Date accepted YYYY-MM-DD yes, optional yes yes, optional, saves empty values
Date published YYYY-MM-DD yes, optional yes yes, optional, saves empty values
Article section e.g. ‘Article’, ‘Review’ yes, optional yes yes, optional, ignores empty values
Stage the production workflow stage [10] yes, optional yes no, ignored [11]
Article filename for advanced users [12] yes, optional yes yes, optional
Journal Code must match Janeway yes, required yes yes, required
Journal title must match Janeway yes, required yes yes, required
ISSN ‘0000-0000’ for new journals no, ignored yes no, ignored
Volume number ‘0’ if not specified yes, optional yes no, ignored
Issue number ‘0’ if not specified yes, optional yes no, ignored
Issue name e.g. ‘Winter 2022’ yes, optional yes yes, optional, saves empty values
Issue pub date troublesome [13] yes, required yes yes, required
[1]Using a character encoding other than UTF-8 can cause bugs during imports or updates. (What is character encoding?). These apps save CSVs with UTF-8 by default: OpenRefine, LibreOffice, Google Sheets, and Apple Numbers. However! If you use Microsoft Excel, keep in mind some versions don’t automatically create CSV files with UTF-8 character encoding. This may cause punctuation and special characters to be garbled on import. So, when saving, look for the ‘CSV (UTF-8)’ option in the drop-down box.
[2]Janeway doesn’t yet support italics inside article titles. If your article title contains the title of a work, use quotation marks (even though that violates some editorial styles, such as Chicago!).
[3]Support for license URLs will be added in future.
[4]We will add support for ISO language codes in the future.
[5]For author names, emails, and institutions, updating the values will only update what is called the ‘frozen author’ record for this article–that is, the author’s information at the time of article submission. This information is separate from information tied to that person’s Janeway account.
[6]Email addresses are highly recommended for correspondence authors, since many parts of the workflow involve sending emails to authors, and these won’t work without email addresses.
[7]You should include existing email addresses in your CSV when you’re trying to update other fields. You can also add or remove author records from an article with this tool. However, you shouldn’t use this tool to change an author’s email address, because Janeway will think you’re trying to add a new author and will create a duplicate account with the new address. We will improve this behaviour in the future.
[8]‘Article is primary’ tells Janeway which author is the correspondence author. One author must be marked ‘Y’ and the rest ‘N’.
[9]Updating an ORCID will update the author’s main Janeway account, rather than just the frozen author record.
[10]The workflow stage has to match one of these values exactly: Peer Review, Editor Copyediting, Typesetting Plugin, Pre Publication. Otherwise the article will be put in the Unassigned stage
[11]Currently the workflow stage cannot be changed en masse once the articles are imported, since that might break tasks in progress. In the future we want to make it possible to change the stage of multiple articles.
[12]You can import some files along with the metadata, but this part of the tool is not well tested or documented. For importing amounts of backlist files, the old importer is still better. Contact Janeway support for help.
[13]Issue pub date is currently required (we will change this in a future version of the tool). Issue pub date must be formatted as a full date and time stamp conforming to ISO 8601 such as 2021-12-31 08:29:39+00:00.